As is possible with the replication pool of Adabas Nuclei we need the possibility to store the replication pool of the replication server (nucleus) above the bar, e.g. V64BIT=YES.
the reason is: in our production we have nearly 1 Gig of size (ADARUN LRPL=990000K) and cannot increase. During end of month (quarter, year) business workload we expect massive increases of data to be replicated in a very short time frame. As nearly all of this replication is with a single file the usage of additional Replication Server Tasks bring no relieve. We expect the replication pool under big pressure again.
Use Case | Replication: Operational Efficiency and Stability |
Created on Brainstorm | 01.28.2016 02:34 pm |
Brainstorm ID | 3232 |
This will be release with ARF 411 with the 2021Oct release.