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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.
Status Under Review
Workspace Adabas for z/OS
Categories Adabas (ADA-zOS)
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 13, 2021


Any stored procedures and trigger subprograms need to use the following PDA:

-------------Parameter STPAPARM ----Lib SYSSPT -----------------Env NDEV
0010 1 REQ-AREA (A200) /* Request Area
0020 1 REDEFINE REQ-AREA /* Redef. begin : REQ-AREA
0030 2 RQ-VERNO (A4) /* Structure Version
0040 2 RQ-TASK (A2) /* Subsystem Number
0050 2 RQ-PROC (A8) /* Procedure Name
0060 2 RQ-USER (A32) /* User Identification
0070 2 RQ-CMD (A2) /* Trigger Cmd
0080 2 RQ-DBID (B2) /* Trigger DBID
0090 2 RQ-FNR (B2) /* Trigger Target File Nr
0100 2 RQ-FIELD (A2) /* Trigger Field (Short Name)
0110 2 RQ-SYNC (A1) /* Sync/Async Request
0120 2 RQ-PARTIC (A1) /* Part/Non-participating Req
0130 2 RQ-LENGTH (B2) /* Record Buffer Length
0140 2 RQ-UPD (A1) /* RB Update Indicator
0150 2 RQ-TTYPE (A1) /* Pre or Post Trigger
0160 2 RQ-RESP (B4) /* Subcode(B2) + Resp Code(B2)
0170 2 RQ-PDA-TYPE (A1) /* Calling Parameters Type
0180 2 RQ-USERID (A28) /* UserID from ADABAS UQE
0190 2 RQ-RESRVED2 (A27) /*
0200 2 RQ-CB (A80) /* Trigger Control Block
0210 1 RESP (B4) /* Procedure Response

However at our site we had to use some of the more usefull info hidden in this PDA, so we added the following redefines in RQ-USERID and RQ-CB to direcly access essential info.

0060 1 REQ-AREA (A200) /* Request Area
0070 1 REDEFINE REQ-AREA /* Redef. begin : REQ-AREA
0080 2 RQ-VERNO (A4) /* Structure Version
0090 2 RQ-TASK (A2) /* Subsystem Number
0100 2 RQ-PROC (A8) /* Procedure Name
0110 2 RQ-USER (A32) /* User Identification
0120 2 RQ-CMD (A2) /* Trigger Cmd
0130 2 RQ-DBID (B2) /* Trigger DBID
0140 2 RQ-FNR (B2) /* Trigger Target File Nr
0150 2 RQ-FIELD (A2) /* Trigger Field (Short Name)
0160 2 RQ-SYNC (A1) /* Sync/Async Request
0170 2 RQ-PARTIC (A1) /* Part/Non-participating Req
0180 2 RQ-LENGTH (B2) /* Record Buffer Length
0190 2 RQ-UPD (A1) /* RB Update Indicator
0200 2 RQ-TTYPE (A1) /* Pre or Post Trigger
0210 2 RQ-RESP (B4) /* Subcode(B2) + Resp Code(B2)
0220 2 RQ-PDA-TYPE (A1) /* Calling Parameters Type
0230 2 RQ-USERID (A28) /* UserID from ADABAS UQE
0250 3 FILLER 20X
0260 3 RQ-SESSION-ID (B8) /* GMT Session timestamp
0270 2 RQ-RESRVED2 (A27)
0280 2 RQ-CB (A80) /* Trigger Control Block
0300 3 RQ-CB-RESERVED (B2)
0320 3 RQ-CB-COMMAND-ID (A4)
0330 3 RQ-CB-FILE-NO (B2)
0350 3 RQ-CB-ISN (B4) /* ISN of record
0360 1 RESP (B4) /* Procedure Response

The problem is when we get an upgrade SAG could (and have) replace is PDA and we lose the redefines.

We have created a local copy to avoid this problem in the future, but what I would like is if the standard PDA (STPAPARM) has all the useful redefines so this data structure is self-documenting.

Anyone using the current PDA would have to dig deep to find the ISN of the record (RQ-CB-ISN), file no (RQ-CB-FILE-NO) and the session id (RQ-SESSION-ID), but looking at the PDA it’s not exactly obvious.

So please SAG if any of these fields contain meaning full sub components then please add all the relevant redefines in the PDA so the poor programmer can find them!
Created on Brainstorm 01.22.2014 02:19 pm
Brainstorm ID 302
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