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Workspace Adabas for z/OS
Created by Zaffer Khan
Created on Jul 13, 2021

Printing DRIVES & DATASET info., when ADAREP is run against a SAVETAPE

We have very old backups on VTS tape system with multiple
datasets (DRIVES ranging from 3-8).

To know the state of the backup we ran ADAREP SAVETAPE
against a 2007 Backup dataset, which was taken with DRIVES=3. And following
information is listed at the beginning of the report.

* Created at 2007-01-01 02:39:23 *
* by ADASAV Version V72/4 *
* DBID 3 *
* PLOG Session Nr 406 *
* SYN1/4 Block Nr 2628 *

Under Incident# 5320660, we asked SAG Support about the
possibility of printing the following information, when an ADAREP is made
against a SAVETAPE:

- 1. Information on DRIVES used for that Backup.
- 2. Information on all the DATASETS generated for that

They suggested to do a CPEXLIST to get further details, but –

- Firstly, CPEXLIST runs against the Active Database, NOT
THE SAVETAPE. (and we clear the online checkpoint file every 3 years)
- Secondly, The existing version of CPEXLIST does not
display the needed information on DRIVES and DATASETS.

Upon which they asked us to raise a C/E under Brainstorm for
the same.

Hence, we request you to provide us with a one-point, simple
reporting on the backup information FROM THE SAVETAPE.
As, the display of DRIVES and DATASETS information from the
SAVETAPE is critical in decision making for our VLDB.

Best Regards,
Zaffer Khan

-----Original Message-----

From: []

Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 11:01 PM


Subject: Support Incident: 5320660 How to know the "No
of Drives" & "Backup Datasets" used for old backups


Hello Zaffer.

Here is more info I received from our colleague and his
questions too :

It is not possible with ADAREP SAVETAPE to specify

If this is needed it has to be done via BRAINSTORM as C/E.

I assume cu has not archived the ADASAV outputs ?

How did they archive the SAVETAPEs ?

Do they know the sequence how they were used ?



Best regards.


-----Original Message-----

From: []

Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 1:35 PM


Subject: Support Incident: 5320660 How to know the "No
of Drives" & "Backup Datasets" used for old backups


Hello Zaffer.

I recommend you to open a C/E in Brainstorm , since this is
the official way of Software AG to deal with C/E.

You will get there answers from the Adabas product manager
and developers.

Since it is not a bug ,but a feature request ,the developers
know better which information is already hidden on the Save-Tape and which
should be added to it ,in order to serve
your requirements.

I have also asked for more info from my colleagues, and if I get some ,I will let you know.

Best regards.


Support Incident: 5320660

Use Case Usability
Created on Brainstorm 03.13.2018 11:33 am
Brainstorm ID 5767
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