English Translation:
We have a cluster Database, when I was about to run a Backup in “single” mode, I shutdown the main “nucleus” but forgot to shutdown the “cluster” and the Backup executed successfully.
My question is, shouldn´t this “backup” execution cancel/abort due to the fact that it was run in “single” mode and there was an active nucleus?
Original Brazilian Text:
Temos um banco CLUSTER, quando fui executar um backup em single tirei o banco principal e esqueci de tirar o cluster, o backup executou ok.
Pergunto, este backup não deveria cancelar por estar em single e ter um núcleo ativo?
//DDSAVE1 DD DSN=F.A54120BK.MANUTE.B131.D010918,
// DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),UNIT=F3490,VOL=(,,,99)
Use Case | Cluster |
Created on Brainstorm | 09.03.2018 02:15 pm |
Brainstorm ID | 6256 |