We had a Production Problem (Incident# 5351830) where multiple users were trying to access the same record which was on hold and all of them received Record-on-Hold (RSP 145) error.
Our initial concerns related to AOS (Batch & Online) were addressed by Software AG support. But they told us to raise a 'Customer Enhancement Request' related to ADABAS Online Services for the following:
i. We are not able to filter based on User ID (ETID or SecUID) under ‘Display Hold Queue’ Menu, which works well under ‘Display User Queue Elements’ Menu.
ii. It would be helpful, if additional filters/search criteria were available under ‘Display Queue’ menu, especially for the following variables:
--> a.Search for specific ISN
--> b.Search for specific File Number
--> c.Search for specific User ID (which is not working for HOLD Queue)
Use Case | Production Problem |
Created on Brainstorm | 01.06.2019 07:28 am |
Brainstorm ID | 6611 |
We are not able to see any enhancements for search, please could you enlighten us on this!
When would these enhancement be released? Please keep us informed.