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Status Released
Workspace Adabas for z/OS
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 13, 2021

Data Archive for ADABAS: Enhance ACTIVITY-LIST API function with date range parameters

In wanting to make use of the Natural APIs into the Archive product, I'd like to obtain the same information I can see when looking at the console in SMH under Data Archiving for Adabas 1.8.1->Services by (group:computer:daemon)->DEFAULT:CH40:DAEMON->Completed Activities. It appears I could use the combination of ACTIVITY-LIST and ACTIVITY-INFO, but currently ACTIVITY-LIST provides no way of knowing completed activities to obtain all relevant Activity-ID values which can be plugged into the ACTIVITY-INFO service.

In a discussion on the TechCommunity forums, Rob Jerome proposed modifying the ACTIVITY-LIST function to support two new optional parameters for 'from date' and 'to date'. If one or both parameters are specified, instead of returning the 'Current Activities' the function will return the 'Completed Activities' before/after/between the specified dates. This will give the list of activities to feed into the ACTIVITY-INFO function in order to get the archive details.

The discussion can be found at

Currently, I can guess based on my current schedule what my Activity-IDs should be, but this would miss any ad-hoc archivals that I ran. Also, if I change the schedule, or if I add new archival jobs to the schedule, I would have to modify my expected Activity-ID values.

What I am hoping to achieve in the end is a way to run a job to provide to me a count of how many records were archived in any given month total and by Action. Currently, I use the SMH console and try to copy/paste the table into Excel, but I am finding that to be tedious because of the number of pages I have to copy/paste as well as the fact that after pasting, the format of the data doesn't always translate well (mainly because of the checkbox at the beginning of each row in the table), leading me to have to make multiple attempts on each page potentially.

Use Case Operational Excellence, Operational Efficiency
Created on Brainstorm 04.04.2019 03:44 pm
Brainstorm ID 6916
  • Admin
    Juergen Lind
    Sep 17, 2021

    This has been implemented with ADR1.8.1.3 in 2019Apr.