When ADAPARLOG=YES, the adatst utility echoes the password to the console, making it awkward to script tests. Can this be optionally (preferably by default) masked?
%ADATST-I-STARTED, 23-DEC-2020 15:31:02, Version (Linux 64Bit)
adatst: dbid=206
adatst: sec_uid=prdbatch
adatst: sec_pwd=notverysecretpassword
adatst: cc=op
adatst: rb=.
adatst: go
Command : OP Test-Nr : 1 Started
%ADATST-I-NORMAL, normal successful completion
Original Use Case:Use Case | Security / scripted testing |
Created on Brainstorm | 01.04.2021 05:27 pm |
Brainstorm ID | 8643 |