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Status Under Review
Categories Natural (NAT)
Created by Sagi Achituv
Created on Jul 22, 2021

Display or get access to Natural License key details of current Natural Session

Natural License key details should be easy to access, specifically the one's that are being used in current session. There are cases where the license needed to be viewed or extended. This functionality exists for Natural MF (in SYSTP) but not for LUW. Creating an API to provide access to current key details can be an additional option for implementation. see more information in incident #5451557

  • Admin
    Eli Cohen
    Jul 28, 2021

    Could you share a use case? Why the information on the license file is needed on runtime?

  • Sagi Achituv
    Jul 28, 2021

    Hi Eli,
    As documented in the incident correspondence, I was aware that viewing (or reading with a natural program, as suggested) a file from the OS specific location can get me license details.
    My request came as :

    1. It requires to know what is the location of the executing (current) license file ��� which is:
    * not trivial for a natural developer.
    * Does not verify the actual value if you look at the wrong location (which actually happened when replacing an old license with a new one���)
    2. Requires a different approach for the information then in other platforms, such as the MF
    3. An API (USRxxxxx) can be a standard way to get the current information, without those limitations.


  • Admin
    Eli Cohen
    Jul 28, 2021


    The license file exist on Common/Conf folder and could be read.

    Did you tried this option?

    Platform is changed to Linux as UNIX will be no longer supported soon.