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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

Entire System Server (NPR)

Showing 2

NPR-View: ZIIP-CPU-Time needed

We need the posibility to get not only the CPU-Time from GCP, but also from ZIIP-CPU-Time for example in ACTIVE-JOBS. For example an ADABAS-DB shows actually 140 seconds CPU-Time used in ACTIVE-Jobs. On zOS we see, that the DB used 6700 seconds CP...
Reiner Koester over 2 years ago in Entire System Management and Cronus / Entire System Server (NPR) 0 Released

Provide Load module license support for Entire System Server

Please update NPR to provide load module license support as per all other SAG products. We want to standardize our installations to use load modules only, Process is the only product that has to have a DD card
Trevor Toye over 2 years ago in Entire System Management and Cronus / Entire System Server (NPR) 1 Released