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Natural Development Server (NDV)

Showing 3

Tool to Monitor NDV

Sometimes our NDV server is consistently using higher than normal CPU and it appears if something is looping. There is no way to investigate this other than the MONITOR which gives you very limited information. We use NDV for SPoD and NatOne. We n...
Maria Monedero over 2 years ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural Development Server (NDV) 2 Released

Dynamic parameter for NDV CICS selection.

Customer has 12 CICS's running in the development and test environments and developers need access to them all - meaning 12 NDV server tasks are needed. Consider making the configuration RFE_CICS_TA_HOST and RFE_CICS_TA_PORT dynamic parameters for...
Bjarne Soerensen about 2 years ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural Development Server (NDV) 0 Released

NDV - consol message in case of security problems with external security

When activating external security in the NDV you get the answers from RACF without RACF consol messages like ICH408I.(RACF is called out of the Unix system services by the call pthread_security_np) .The NDV writes a corresponding message in STGTRA...
Christina Möllenberg over 3 years ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural Development Server (NDV) 0 Released