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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.


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adatst does not mask / hide password for sec_pswd

When ADAPARLOG=YES, the adatst utility echoes the password to the console, making it awkward to script tests. Can this be optionally (preferably by default) masked? %ADATST-I-STARTED, 23-DEC-2020 15:31:02, Version (Linux 64Bit) adatst: dbi...
Douglas Kelly over 3 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / Security / Utilities 0 Under Review

[RBAC]: Authorization for Adabas LUW Utilities

If activating the feature in adaauth.ini with parameter ACTION = YES the USER_ROLE in adarbac.ini using UserID = * is changed to the real Unix User and the utility adarep (example: adarep dbid=3) gets error ADAREP-E-ACNOPERM, Security violation....
Andreas Heitzer over 3 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / RBAC / Re-Hosting / Security 1 Under Review