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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.


Showing 20

Add support for SFTP / TCP/22 protocols

In CONNX v14.6, the ftp client portion of CONNX to & from z/OS mainframe - to both upload new software/PDS binaries, and also download copybook files - was updated to use FTP explicit ssl/tls over port 21 (tcp/21) - however this makes a critic...
John Blauvelt 27 days ago in CONNX 0 New


Hi, Today adabas SQL Gateway generates its tables from a PREDICT unload (views) with SYSOBJH. This step is binding and obliges us to set up a regular refresh with import of CDDs. Is it possible that ADABAS SQL GATEWAY connects directly to the PRED...
Guest over 3 years ago in CONNX 0 Planned

Allow String-Separator for SET DEFAULTSERVER in ALTER DATABASE DDL-Statement

We work in an IBM environment loading DDL using the ACEINT Utility. The Utility request input witch LREC=80. To cover this limitation, some Statements allow a string to be separated using the '+' Char. Example: CONNECT TO 'DD=RTE_PROD_TI;GATEWAY=c...
Christian Held 5 months ago in CONNX 0 New

Show which ADABAS-fields are defined as a descriptor in query building tools

The software engineers should have an easy access get the information, which fields are indexes fields. This information could be provided in the field list of a query builder (infonaut, jdbc test application, ...) with an additional column
Martin Walzl 5 months ago in CONNX 1 Future consideration

Cobol Occurs depending on records are expanded out instead of using rotated arrays/child tables

When importing and populating tables that are the result of an occurs depending on instead of requiring child tables to be create, expand the ODO out to its maximum size. This will allow the record to be repatriated to its original source without ...
William Anderson over 2 years ago in CONNX 0 Under Review

Introduce parallelism when using MultiDB feature

For now, when we use multiDB feature, the DBs are queried sequentially wich lead to poor performance when the number of DB arises. It should be usefull to make the queries in parallel on each DB of the pool. By example, an algorithm like "K-WAY me...
Didier Rigoli over 1 year ago in CONNX 1 Not in Plan

Provide "wrap-around" Tracefiles / currently there ist only one file possible

We faced an "unexpected" behaviour of the JDBC-Server during the execution of massive parallel SQL-SELECT Statements. No idea why this happend, because we run ACE for years without any problems. The support gave the advice to enable minimum trace ...
Christian Held almost 2 years ago in CONNX 0 Planned

Enable creation of SQL indexes based on ADABAS descriptors

An enhancement suggestion is to have a configuration switch for CONNX to ‘recognize’ ADABAS descriptors and tag those as SQL indexes -- so when we deploy into SQL Server .. descriptors will have indexes in SQL. Provides greater flexibility, better...
Luis Diaz almost 2 years ago in CONNX 0 Planned

Avoid data corruption - make ENTIRENETWORK setting the default.

See incident SI #5353554. If there is a mismatch between field lengths in the DDM used to define the table in the CDD and the FDT in Adabas - data corruption may occur. While setting the configuration parameter ENTIRENETWORK avoids this - ENTIRENE...
Bjarne Soerensen about 3 years ago in CONNX 0 Not in Plan

Adjust the autobulkdelete to use no locking at all

Adjust the autobulkdelete to use no locking at all in order to gain in performance.
Stephane Moreau over 3 years ago in CONNX 0 Not in Plan