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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

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Showing 354

Adadbs Deallocate by cylinders

The DEALLOCATE function of the ADADBS utility is accepting values for the size parameters (ACSIZE | AC2SIZE | DSSIZE | NISIZE | UISIZE) only in units of RABN blocks.Most other utilities and functions allow the provision of size values in blocks or...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) / Usability / Utilities 0 Planned

ADASEL Enhancement to Produce Output for UsSERDATA from an ET

Looking for an enhancement to ADASEL that allows the product to write out USERDATA that is produced not only by a C5 command but also by an ET command.
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) / Utilities 0 Planned

ADADABS ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE to be allowed even if file currently used

Currently, it is not possible to proceed with an ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE of space on a file with ADADBS if a file is used ( even if is it only being read).We have got very big files (high number of records and high number of cylinders in allocation) i...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) / HA 0 Under Review

SPATs messages - MVS console log

Currently we receive errors of Natural programs on SPATs (triggers) in SYSOUT TSPRTnn but what we want is to receive also as these error messages on the MVS SYSLOG. It is impossible to ascend alerts automatically in real time by an alert tool (suc...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) 0 Under Review

adavfy on LUW

add Timestamp to output: %ADAVFY-I-INDSTR, Index verification %ADAVFY-I-INDCNT, NI: used: 210, free: 1773, reusage: 17, lost: 0 %ADAVFY-I-INDCNT, UI: used: 1, free: 87, reusage: 2, lost: 1 %ADAVFY-I-INDCNT, MI: used: 9, free: 87, reusage: 2, lost:...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / Usability / Utilities 0 Planned

Layout Painter to not remove comments in XML

Layout Painter editor removes comments in the XML. This would help with adding comments in the xml for documentation purposes.
Jeffrey Empaces over 2 years ago in Natural for Ajax / Natural for Ajax (NJX) 0 Future consideration

Add the ability to open printer file with flag O_APPEND

Add the ability to open printer file with flag O_APPEND so it can be rotated with logrotate (copytruncate). Last offset is retained by Natural and everything before that offset is marked as NULL and so the file size is maintained.
Thierry Bolle over 2 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 0 Under Review

Cobol Occurs depending on records are expanded out instead of using rotated arrays/child tables

When importing and populating tables that are the result of an occurs depending on instead of requiring child tables to be create, expand the ODO out to its maximum size. This will allow the record to be repatriated to its original source without ...
William Anderson over 2 years ago in CONNX 0 Under Review

Gen DDM using Predict plug-in (private-mode)

While working in Private Mode using NaturalOne, I need to modify an Adabas Numeric field length. I am using Predict plug-in, and then I am generating the DDM. At this stage, only one Natural developer should change the necessary modules in his Pri...
Hezi Shirazi over 1 year ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 1 Future consideration

Examine command new options

Add new features for Examine command: Let assume I have a string dynamic array: #str (a/1:6) dynamic const <"10","1","31","20","2","21"> I want to search for the string "1" in that array, so I want to get index 2 that it is exactly the same ...
Hezi Shirazi over 1 year ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 4 Not in Plan