We work with about 10 different environments, which include Test environments, QA environments, and Production environments, all on the same MF.
Mapping Natural Server to an environment is done by referring to the Host Name & Port Number for that environment.
For example, port 3140 refers to the Test environment, 3141 refers to the QA environment, and so on.
Since the Mapping operation must be performed by the developer himself (to inherit the characteristics of the developers from Natural Security), There are a lot of mistakes during the Mapping process, as the only difference between the environments is the Port Number. The MF Host Name is the same for all the environments. Those mistakes cause confusion and problems.
We are looking for a way to activate the Mapping process using script (for example, ANT script) with a parameter that states the environment name, as we are doing on the MF. This way the developers will not need to know/remember the Port Number or the IP of the MF.
(On the MF we use CLIST for TSO or Script for CICS to route the developers to a specific environment)
Hello Eli,
Thank you for your help.
I try to clear some points:
Your suggestion misses the fact that we need some parameters from the user, such as User-Id, Password and Environment to MAP the Natural Server. Same user may connect to different environments.
The point is that I need a user interface (a similar window as exist now, managed by a private Script) which asks the user to enter, the following parameters: User-Id, Password, Environment to MAP.
That script will accomplish the rest of parameters: Host Name, Port Number, Environment Name, using our logic and conversion tables. in order to MAP the requested Environment, with our conventions. This way, the user cannot make mistakes.
Here is an example of an optimal solution:
1. A connection screen will have 3 input fields:
�� User-ID
�� User Password
�� Environment to MAP
Preferably with a drop down list of Environments we work with, to be selected by the User.
2. On the background, the Script uses our conversion table for Environment and Port number, and accomplish the rest of parameters: Host Name, Port Number, Environment Name, etc.
3. Executing the MAP according the above parameters.
If an error is returned, it will be displayed in the screen, the same way it is done now.
Regarding your suggestion, I have created an example "dialog_settings.xml" file, with my own user details, and located it on the directory you mentioned, in order to get the requested MAP of Natural Server as appears in file, but it did not do the work. No MAP was done. More than that, the other Environment that were included in the file before I added the new Environment to MAP, were vanished.
It seems as NaturalOne designer do not recognize the dialog file, after I changed it.
Thank you and best regards,
Hope for better days,
The file server mapping could be easily distributed by editing the file dialog_setting.xml within each workspace. As part of your distribution of a new machine you can copy a basic XML file with all environments or create a script that will edit the server list within the XML file.
The file is located in this path:
Create in NaturalONE complete list of servers and then deploy (update or copy) the section
<section name="com.softwareag.naturalone.natural.common.server.mappings"> to all workspaces.