While working in Private Mode using NaturalOne, I need to modify an Adabas Numeric field length.
I am using Predict plug-in, and then I am generating the DDM.
At this stage, only one Natural developer should change the necessary modules in his Privet Mode project.
We are building upon each ddm several Vies in Local module
However, the DDM generation (by Predict) overrides the fuser SYSTEM Library, where all DDMs are.
The Local view will now not match to its DDM
This might affect other projects which are using this DDM.
I want the ability to generate the DDM only in the SYSTEM private library and not in the fuser SYSTEM library.
When working in Private-mode
a developer needs to change its db schema (lets say needs to add a new field)
so the field is being added to predict, and the developer needs to modified
all the related modules.
In order to so, the modified DDM is being generated, but the predict
save it in the main library and compiled it.
Now the developer needs to add it to its project, but all other developers
are affected (main lib is changed)
What I think should be in case of working in private-mode, that the DDM
will be created on different lib (ex: LIBRARY) and then the developer will add it to its own project