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Status Under development
Created by Jesper Orland
Created on Dec 23, 2022
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ONE-I-9 ONE: XREF data and private-mode libraries.

Avoid XREF data from private mode libraries Merged

Provide a way to swittch off XREF data from private mode libraries.

I find XREF data from private mode libraries as "noise", as they are just "copies" of the "real" libraries.

It seems there are no way to switch it off, please provide one.

  • Jesper Orland
    Aug 8, 2023

    I have found that I can only provide screenshots from our own reading of XREF data, as it seems Software AG "L XREF" filter these data away.
    But i still think it is a waste of time to produce XREF data for private-mode libraries, so it would be nice if you could switch of producing the data.

  • Jesper Orland
    Aug 8, 2023

    I have missed the question, will now find the an example

  • Admin
    Eli Cohen
    Feb 20, 2023

    Hello Jesper,

    Please include a screenshot showing where you encounters the XREF data.