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Event Replicator Server (ARF)

Showing 7

Add deletes in ISN-specific initial state.

When performing an initial state based on a list of ISN's - typically the use case is to bring the target up-to-date for the listed records. Unfortunately, this synchronization will only work for inserts and updates - not for deletes. I suggest to...
Bjarne Soerensen 3 months ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 New

Long-Alpha field support in Replicator

“ADABAS currently supports Long-Alpha fields. We are now using Replicator to replicate from our Adabas files into Sql Server tables. Unfortunately at this time, Replicator does not seem to support replicating the long alpha fields. We would like t...
David Wilbur over 2 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 New

Feature to shut down REPTOR waiting first for all source nuclei to disconnect

Issuing ADAEND to a REPTOR should not be done before the connected source nuclei have ended. When shutting down a production environment (typically before an IPL) - you can automate that the source nuclei (EG DB1,DB2,DB3) tasks have ended before A...
Bjarne Soerensen 9 months ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 New

Deactivate subscription on ADAF7F to avoid inconsistent target.

The message ADAF7F is issued when a response code comes from the decompression of a record. Such errors can be sporadic in the case of rsp 42/2 caused by a too small LFP. As a result - sporadically - changed records are not replicated. This causin...
Bjarne Soerensen 11 months ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 New

Introduce a grace period for the DCOMMITTHRESHOLD.

Introduce a new feature and parameter DCOMMITWAIT which will have the REPTOR not commit messages with less than DCOMMITTHRESHOLD transactions until DCOMMITWAIT milliseconds have passed. While it will introduce a small delay - it will allow greater...
Bjarne Soerensen over 2 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 New

Change misleading messages for SLOGging.

The messages "ADAFRX SLOG turned on for destination dest-name" and "ADAFRY SLOG turned off for destination dest-name" are misleading. They indicate that the SLOG parameter has been turned on or off - which would impact the replication consistency....
Bjarne Soerensen over 1 year ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 New

Allow user-defined name for target structure.

If a GFB is generated from PREDICT for SAGTARG destination - the target structure name will be that of the imported structure - like "ADDRESS-U". If you want to change the target structure name to EG "ADDR" - you have to change it with the Data Ma...
Bjarne Soerensen over 1 year ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 New