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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

Natural for Linux and Cloud

Showing 12

Examine command new options

Add new features for Examine command: Let assume I have a string dynamic array: #str (a/1:6) dynamic const <"10","1","31","20","2","21"> I want to search for the string "1" in that array, so I want to get index 2 that it is exactly the same ...
Hezi Shirazi about 1 year ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 4 Not in Plan


Hi as we have on error cmd in a module level, it will be very helpful to have same upon a cmd level (such as in java/c$/python & etc: try/catch)
Hezi Shirazi over 1 year ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 1 Not in Plan

allow multiple LDAP hosts in LDAP connection

Many tools with LDAP connection strings allow multiple hosts, such as ldapsearch's -H parameter. Can this be implemented in place of or in addition to the active/alternate/archive profile scheme NSC uses? For most customers (including most AD LDAP...
Douglas Kelly over 1 year ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural Security (NSC) 2 Not in Plan

Dynamic Code Covearge Control even after a natural process is running like Profiler

No description provided
Hezi Shirazi over 2 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 2 Not in Plan

Add the option CATALOG to object handler LOAD of TRANSFER format.

Assuming a rehosting freeze period is unwelcome: While the rehosting project is ongoing there is a period where business continues to demand changes and fixes to the Natural application - which is now kept both in the MF and in Linux. When the cha...
Bjarne Soerensen over 2 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) / Re-Hosting / Usability 0 Not in Plan

NAT: Debugger - prohibit modification of field content / program flow

Debugging should also be possible in production environments. But then it must be prohibited- to modify the content of variables- to influence the regular program flow Natural Debugger should provide such a possibility.
Guest over 3 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 0 Not in Plan

Remove the library listing upper limit (500), or set the value to a much higher one, such as 10000.

One of our Natural customers has over 800 libraries under FUSER. I recently learned that the maximum number displayed in the Listing is 500. Because of that, the customer has to explicitly specify the library name rather than typing the first ch...
Guest over 3 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 1 Not in Plan

API needed to convert the ONE line numbers of error messages

API needed to convert the ONE line numbers in error messages into the according source line numers on server. Spod works with logical line numbers (incremental steps 10/5/2/1 ). NaturalONE works with real line numbers (incremental step 1). If an e...
Andreas Dege over 3 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 0 Not in Plan

Prevent NAT1326 with MOVE...TO SUBSTRING with DYNAMIC variables

PROBLEM: =======The following program will get a Runtime error NAT1326: * see Software AG Support Incident 113138 ...DEFINE DATA LOCAL1 #A (A) DYNAMIC1 #COL (I2) INIT <1> (EM=ZZ9)1 #I (I2) (EM=ZZ9)END-DEFINE*EXPAND DYNAMIC VARIABLE #A TO 500...
Guest over 3 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 1 Not in Plan


In NATURAL/AIX/LNX: Implementcommand "l ext" to show the extended name of the subroutine. This command exists in NATURAL Mainframe.- NATURAL/ZOS Example: NEXT l ext * LIB=RCELSO ---------------------------------------------------------------------...
Guest over 3 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 1 Not in Plan