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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

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Showing 351 of 351

Option to hide System Libraries

In Natural Server view of NaturalOne, two nodes are always shown : User Libraries and System Libraries. We need an option to hide the System Libraries. At present even if there are no links to system libraries, the 'System Libraries' node is shown...
Jamal Alwaye 4 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 2 Future consideration

Enhance Hyperdescriptor Exit for Natural Mainframe Server to cover other areas too

With Natural 9.1.2 we introduced a hyperdescriptor exit NATHX15 to improve the performance when reading Natural object names on a Mainframe server.This exit was enhanced with Natural 9.2.1 to also fast read Natural library names. It should be cons...
Stefan Diehl 4 months ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural (NAT) / Natural Development Server (NDV) / Utilities 0 Planned

Add deletes in ISN-specific initial state.

When performing an initial state based on a list of ISN's - typically the use case is to bring the target up-to-date for the listed records. Unfortunately, this synchronization will only work for inserts and updates - not for deletes. I suggest to...
Bjarne Soerensen 4 months ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 New

Support automatic struct of source when saved

Make NaturalONE "struct" the source whenever it is saved, like if the stuct command was given just before the source was saved. This struct command should of cause support stuct=on and struct=off in the source. To be supported by a switch to switc...
Jesper Orland 4 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Under Review

Allow String-Separator for SET DEFAULTSERVER in ALTER DATABASE DDL-Statement

We work in an IBM environment loading DDL using the ACEINT Utility. The Utility request input witch LREC=80. To cover this limitation, some Statements allow a string to be separated using the '+' Char. Example: CONNECT TO 'DD=RTE_PROD_TI;GATEWAY=c...
Christian Held 4 months ago in CONNX 0 New

Ant Deploy Script new property - incremental deploy max modules allowed

I am not stowing on the mainframe anymore (upload and stow=no in deploy.xml) until I can be 100% certain the problem will not occur again (hence why I have asked for an incremental failsafe property to be added in the next release / update below)....
Trentan Healey 5 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 2 Not in Plan

Show which ADABAS-fields are defined as a descriptor in query building tools

The software engineers should have an easy access get the information, which fields are indexes fields. This information could be provided in the field list of a query builder (infonaut, jdbc test application, ...) with an additional column
Martin Walzl 5 months ago in CONNX 1 Future consideration

Command interface to LIST XREF in a subprogram

Just like SYSMAIN has a MAINUSER subprogram interface for direct commands, it would be very useful to have the same for LIST XREF. Right now, we are limited to accessing SYSDIC ourselves, using TEST DBLOG to figure out how you guys do it, then cop...
Claes Norreen 5 months ago in Natural for z/OS / Utilities 6 Future consideration

extend Broker logon to all XC functions

using the "LS" function against a Broker from SYSRPC XC function does a pop up prompting for Broker login if EntireX Security is enabled. However, using anything like "PI"ng on a server just gives the error that no logon has been done (even if I'v...
Douglas Kelly 6 months ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural (NAT) 1 Not in Plan

support NaturalHA client with NWO on z/OS

From SoftwareAG:" To run the NHA Client against an NWO Server on the mainframe is not supported currently and was not part of the expected use case." We are currently migrating away from our Mainframe to Linux and we want to use the same client (N...
Chris Williams 6 months ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / High Availability / Natural (NAT) 0 Under development