The stored profile-information has been selected from server view " SYSTEM RES" and downloaded.
The notification is shown in the Editor "Hot Spot".
After clicking on a "Line nnnn", a Messagebox appears:
"Internal Error (INatural Object == null Edit currently fails when the Natural Profiler is startet via profiler -xml file)"
Please remove the error message and provide automatically display sourcecode / statement to the designated source line number on the routine.
Created on Brainstorm | 01/23/2017 04:38 AM |
Brainstorm ID | 4479 |
Remark: If the Profiler resource data is opened in the server view, there is no client project related to it, in which the source can be searched. Thus, the request implies that the resource can be loaded into a project and that it can be opened there. This approach would be like the handling of a Coverage resource.
Hint: The Profiler Rich GUI Program Analysis displays the sources (with original server line numbers) combined with the corresponding Profiler data (values and colored lines).