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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

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Showing 68

Objects in Server View listed by name (not by Object type)

Developers like to list object by name in Server View, not by object type and then name. In Natural Studio you could decide for your self if you wanted to list by objecttype or by name.
Guest over 3 years ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Future consideration

ADABAS/UNIX Online adaord reorder=* (Linux, HP-UX)

A online ADAORD Reorder=* in our very large production database environment takes more than 15 hrs. This is not useful in a 24*7 production environment. A test with a copy of the database on a other machine shows that a Reorder will free million ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / Re-Hosting / Utilities 0 Future consideration

Record actions in production environment.

Some sites have a pre-requisite that all work done in the production environment is recorded for auditing purposes. For example, the desktop (and terminal emulator) and keystrokes are recorded on video. This also covered emergency Natural develope...
Bjarne Soerensen about 2 years ago in NaturalONE / Security 0 Future consideration

Secure storage/retrieval of passwords such as EXX passwords

Currently, calling secured EntireX services requires calling RPC-CNTX or USR2071N/USR2702N/USR2074N/etc to pass in a user id and password. There's no provision for providing anything other than a clear text password, so it ends up in clear text in...
Douglas Kelly over 3 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 1 Future consideration

Recording testdata for NaturalONE test tool

NaturalONE contains a test tool that allow you to re-run test cases from CSV files. We have a lot of complex subprograms, with many parameters, therefore it would be a big help to "record" calls to subprograms during execution. If you turn on reco...
Guest over 3 years ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Future consideration

ONE: E_0285 MOVE ALL with SUBSTRING option

The SUBSTRING function in MOVE ALL has not yet been implemented in Natural LUW and ONE.The statement MOVE ALL 'string' TO SUBSTR(field,n,m) results in the following errors: NAT0285 Field reference error; reference invalid or missing. (Natural)E_02...
Guest over 3 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 0 Future consideration

Message if REPLICATION gets turned on/off for a file

When working with the Event Replicator for Adabas you can turn replication on and of for certain Adabas files. A change of the status of the file is logged in the checkpoint file of the database. However, there's no message in DDPRINT, Job-Output ...
Hermann Pfeiffer over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) / Security 0 Future consideration


For any 24/7 service-oriented organization that relies heavily on REVIEW Logs for monitoring/statistical purposes, a search is made to identify transactions generating errors/loops. But we are unable to find the IP-address of the source. Although,...
Arun Thomas Abraham over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas Review (REV) 0 Future consideration

Layout Painter to not remove comments in XML

Layout Painter editor removes comments in the XML. This would help with adding comments in the xml for documentation purposes.
Jeffrey Empaces over 2 years ago in Natural for Ajax / Natural for Ajax (NJX) 0 Future consideration

Gen DDM using Predict plug-in (private-mode)

While working in Private Mode using NaturalOne, I need to modify an Adabas Numeric field length. I am using Predict plug-in, and then I am generating the DDM. At this stage, only one Natural developer should change the necessary modules in his Pri...
Hezi Shirazi about 1 year ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 1 Future consideration