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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

All ideas

Showing 69

Decorators to show if 'source' is running or stopped

The Event Replicator Target Adapter Administration Tool shows a navigation tree comprising all the 'engines', 'sources' and 'targets' defined under the Status branch. To figure out, if those components a re running or stopped, one has to double-cl...
Hermann Pfeiffer over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Target Adapter (ART) / Usability 0 Future consideration

Add Direct Commands to SYSRPTR application

Similar to applications like SYSAOS and SYSDIC, SYSRPTR would benefit greatly if it supported direct commands. For example, GEN GFB NAME=G054151 FILE-ID=EMPLOYEES-FILE ADA-VER=I9 OCCUR=YES FULL-FORMAT=YES [OVERWRITE]. This would allow the creation...
Wayne Campos over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 Future consideration

Adabas Open System: Utilities should produce xml output

In order to work with Adabas utilities, it would be great to have an option to generate xml output. --- ReRouting to Linux. Was: LUW
Bernhard Siegmann over 3 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / Utilities 0 Future consideration

Option to hide System Libraries

In Natural Server view of NaturalOne, two nodes are always shown : User Libraries and System Libraries. We need an option to hide the System Libraries. At present even if there are no links to system libraries, the 'System Libraries' node is shown...
Jamal Alwaye 4 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 2 Future consideration

Show which ADABAS-fields are defined as a descriptor in query building tools

The software engineers should have an easy access get the information, which fields are indexes fields. This information could be provided in the field list of a query builder (infonaut, jdbc test application, ...) with an additional column
Martin Walzl 5 months ago in CONNX 1 Future consideration

Allow program copy/paste/rename within a library on Natural Server

Allow program copy/paste/rename from the Natural Server View within Natural One. These tasks can be accomplished within Project Explorer in the Eclipse Workspace, but creates several additional steps. We are not traditional Natural Developers, rat...
Linda Lyng 7 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 2 Future consideration

Extend Natural Objectnames to 32 Byte

Natural Newbees are shocked, when they find out, that Objectnames in Natural are maximum 8 Bytes long. It is like DOS in the 90ties. So Natural should allow Objectnames to 32 Byte (Natural for Open Systems), An alternative would be, to extend the ...
Georg Kratz-Kummetz 8 months ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 0 Future consideration

NaturalOne (and NDV Server) should consider the relations of Natural Classes

Natural Classes can be edited and be built in Natural One. But the mechanism to catalog an object when a referenced object is changed does not exist for classes. That means that allways when a referended PDA or ODA of a Class is changed we must ch...
Georg Kratz-Kummetz 8 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Future consideration

Allow (CV=) after a literal string

Natural allows the use of dynamic control variables during INPUT and WRITE. BUT: the use of those (CV=<control_variable>) is restricted to a variable, not to a literal text. If you want to have a different visual behavior for a string, you m...
Philippe Van Coppenolle 10 months ago in Natural for z/OS / Programing Syntax (Cross platforms) 0 Future consideration

Gen DDM using Predict plug-in (private-mode)

While working in Private Mode using NaturalOne, I need to modify an Adabas Numeric field length. I am using Predict plug-in, and then I am generating the DDM. At this stage, only one Natural developer should change the necessary modules in his Pri...
Hezi Shirazi about 1 year ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 1 Future consideration