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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

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Showing 354

Prevent Edit object in Natural Server View

We are now testing NaturalONE and will soon implement it for all our developers. We saw that it is possible to edit Natural modules using the Natural Server area of NaturalONE. When this is done the module is locked. In case that the developer did...
Menashe Cohen 9 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Under Review

Snippet Library for Ajax Layout Samples

Sometimes you want to add some specific user interface snippets like an input group with error marking, help icons as popovers and small information text for your end-users to your layout page. Or you want to simply apply a specific icon - like a ...
Christine Zimmermann 9 months ago in Natural for Ajax / Natural for Ajax (NJX) 0 Under Review

handle db connection with rpc server

Hi, In our environment we are using REST API to access Natural RPC servers. I have noticed that the RPC process isn’t closing its db (adabas) connections. Using ADAOPR DI=UQ_FILE I saw that NATRPC is still holding files that a request that had ran...
Hezi Shirazi 9 months ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 2 Under Review

Avoid database corruption by second nucleus start.

If the database resides in remote or mirrored disks - it could happen that a second nucleus comes up on the same database container files and does an autorestart which will corrupt the database. Introduce fail-safe measures to detect and avoid thi...
Bjarne Soerensen about 3 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) 3 Under development

Allow REV521 REVIEWB input continuation (SI-484892)

Pls allow REV521 REVIEWB input continuation (per SI-484892). In Batch Natural using REVIEWB to run Review reports in batch, the combination of report name and date/time range criteria (i.e. From & To dates, with Times) can easily exceed 71 cha...
Daniel Geary over 2 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas Review (REV) 0 New

Allow wildcard notation “?” inside input edit mask for MOVE EDITED

With the MOVE EDITED statement you can apply an edit mask for Operand1 to output a field of any format (except H/C) into an alpha string (A/U/B) with a specific layout described by the edit mask. The edit mask can be considered as an output edit m...
Thomas Frischmann 10 months ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural (NAT) / Programing Syntax (Cross platforms) 0 Planned

Allow (CV=) after a literal string

Natural allows the use of dynamic control variables during INPUT and WRITE. BUT: the use of those (CV=<control_variable>) is restricted to a variable, not to a literal text. If you want to have a different visual behavior for a string, you m...
Philippe Van Coppenolle 10 months ago in Natural for z/OS / Programing Syntax (Cross platforms) 0 Future consideration

Displaying aktive symbols in active networks OGC

Displaying avtive symbols in active networks would be very helpful for monitoring and planing productive work.
Walter Schulte over 2 years ago in Entire System Management and Cronus / Entire Operations GUI client (OGC) 0 Not in Plan

Add ISN to RBAC log so activity can be correlated to PLOG records in manual audits

The current process of trying to determine when a user changed a record involves trying to find timestamps close to each other across RBAC (NUCADT.LOG) and PLOG reports and files. Having the ISN associated in RBAC would greatly simplify the search...
Sam Longoria over 2 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / RBAC / Security 0 Planned

Collapse on IF, ELSE and VALUE (DECIDE)

When you collapse an IF-Statement, the ELSE is collapsed, too. This at first glance, looks like the code of the ELSE is the code of the IF itself. When you collapse a DECIDE Statement, the whole Decide-Structure is collapsed, which is fine. If you...
Michael Greven 10 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Under Review