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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

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Showing 58

Make 'SYSOUT Line Limit' Owner Dependent

In order to avoid loops and blocking of monitor tasks there's default parameters for NOP called 'SYSOUT Line Limit' and 'Line Limit for End-of-Job Checking' limiting the work on SYSOUT files to a number of lines.This is useful in certain situation...
Hermann Pfeiffer over 1 year ago in Entire System Management and Cronus 0 Planned

Enable creation of SQL indexes based on ADABAS descriptors

An enhancement suggestion is to have a configuration switch for CONNX to ‘recognize’ ADABAS descriptors and tag those as SQL indexes -- so when we deploy into SQL Server .. descriptors will have indexes in SQL. Provides greater flexibility, better...
Luis Diaz almost 2 years ago in CONNX 0 Planned

Stow in debug perspective

It should be possible to stow NATURAL objects also in the debug perspective. The icons are actual inactive.
Reiner Koester almost 2 years ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Planned

NOP Defaults Avoid Inconsistent time frame

Seit NOP552 CF7 zOS werden die NOP-Defaults für spätesten Start und Endezeit eines Netzes/Jobs anscheinend genauer geprüft, d.h. bisher gleichdefinierte Zeiten führen beim Aktivieren/Reaktivieren von Netzen zur Meldung: Inkonsistenter Zeitrahmen, ...
Walter Schulte almost 2 years ago in Entire System Management and Cronus / Entire Operation (NOP) 0 Planned

Incorporate Adabas REST Services into "" Script of Adabas-Installation

Currently the config.xml of the Adabas REST Administration is not updated, when "" is run. As a result, the Adabas-Manager does not show any Databases anymore. Add new functionality to the script "" that upd...
Christian Lichtenberg almost 2 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / Adabas Manager / Usability 0 Planned

Add ISN to RBAC log so activity can be correlated to PLOG records in manual audits

The current process of trying to determine when a user changed a record involves trying to find timestamps close to each other across RBAC (NUCADT.LOG) and PLOG reports and files. Having the ISN associated in RBAC would greatly simplify the search...
Sam Longoria over 2 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / RBAC / Security 0 Planned

NOP-Monitor-Status Kommandos (Anhalten, Freigeben) gegen die Tasks 51 und 91 ermöglichen

In NOP 5.5.2 (CF 3) ist es nicht möglich, beim NOP-Monitor-Status Kommandos (Anhalten, Freigeben) gegen die Tasks 51 und 91 abzusetzen. Aufgefallen ist das beim Versuch, eine Loop-Situation in der Task 51 aufzulösen. In NOP 5.4.3 ist die Eingabe d...
Walter Schulte almost 3 years ago in Entire System Management and Cronus / Entire Operation (NOP) 0 Planned

ADABAS-Utilities: LPB-Limit 32 k too small

The Prefetch Buffer Size (LPB) for utilities is too small (max. 32K). We start a NATURAL-Batch-program with a multi-fetch-buffer (ADARUN PREFSBL = Single-Buffer-Length) of 4.600.000. In this Case we need about 5000 Calls to read a file with 2,3 ...
Reiner Koester about 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) / Scalability / Usability / Utilities 3 Planned

Adabas SQL Gateway - Security group LDAP interface

In the Adabas SQL Gateway CDD there is a user repository. Here you define the users that are allowed to connect with the CDD. There is also the ability to define groups of users. You grant access to tables and views to users or groups. Suggestion ...
Bjarne Soerensen over 3 years ago in CONNX 0 Planned

ONE: Improve Content assist

1. Documentation says: "To invoke content assist Enter a keyword or part of it and press CTRL+SPACEBAR." In most cases that does not make sense. A blank is needed behind the keyword. The documentation mentions this only with the example. "For exa...
Guest over 3 years ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Planned