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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

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Showing 133

Implement the "OS" command for NaturalONE corresponding to the previous Mainframe File Transfer implementation. See SI-509950

This is very essential for our application!
Uwe Nootbaar over 1 year ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Released

Console Message For UTIONLY Mode

If an Adabas system is started in READONLY mode, this will be shown with a console MESSAGE (ADAN01 xxxxx R E A D O N L Y = YES). If an Adabas system is started in UTIONLY mode, an appropriate message is missing. UTIONLY should get acknowledged the...
Hermann Pfeiffer over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) / Usability 1 Released

ONE: 'Collapse All' for 'Outline view'

While editing a source, in the Outline view one block after the other is expanded so that the view gets more and more unclear. Therefore there should be the function 'Collapse All' (like eg. in the Navigator view) which allows to close all bloc...
Guest over 3 years ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Released


It is possible to MOVE a field of format L to a field of format A. But it is not possible to COMPRESS a field of format L into a field of format A. This should be made possible, following the rules of a MOVE: TRUE as x'E7' FALSE as x'40' Example...
Guest over 3 years ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural (NAT) 0 Released

AOS: No refresh for UQE - Display

The AOS-screen 'Display User Queue Element' has no possibility to refresh the display. For example: On screen The 'Display User Queue' we have the function-key PF 4 for refresh. We would like to see changes of the fields 'No. of Calls' an 'No. of ...
Reiner Koester over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas Online System (AOS) / Usability 1 Released

Keep Record Count in FCB

We expend about $14,000 per year in cpu costs using Adarep or AOS to read the AC blocks to get record counts. Keeping the record count in the FCB (tracking A1's,E1's, ET's,BT's) would save us this cost. Though we are a medium shop, we have 142 dat...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) 0 Released

adabas saf security: restict utilities at the file level

Currently Adabas SAF Security cannot restrict utilities at the file level, only at the database (for example ADASAV is permitted against database 1 but not against database 2) or utility level (for example ADAREP is permitted but ADALOD is not).Cu...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) 1 Released

STOPI=<time>,PURGE for Adabas on Open Systems

We would like to have the utility function "stopi=,purge" on Adabas for Open Systems, like we have it on Adabas for Mainframes as an operator command. This would enable us to remove old and inactive user queue elements out of the user queue, which...
Andreas Heitzer over 3 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / Re-Hosting / Utilities 1 Released

Functions SEARCH and VERIFY

PL/1 offers three similar functions for looking in strings: INDEX, which resembles our EXAMINE ... FOR ... POSITION IN .... SEARCH, which returns the position of the first matching character of a given set in a target string VERIFY, which returns ...
Philippe Van Coppenolle 11 months ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural (NAT) / Programing Syntax (Cross platforms) 1 Released

Option to Obtain Dynamic Execution Info

Analysts researching which Natural objects using Dynamic SQL are causing issues such as DB/2 Locking Based on the feedback from SAG (*pasted below), Please create a utility for NDBIOMO (Dynamic Natural SQL) with the option to capture and enable No...
Rick Poirier almost 3 years ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural for Db2 (NDB/NDB) 1 Released