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Adabas for z/OS

Showing 92

Change misleading messages for SLOGging.

The messages "ADAFRX SLOG turned on for destination dest-name" and "ADAFRY SLOG turned off for destination dest-name" are misleading. They indicate that the SLOG parameter has been turned on or off - which would impact the replication consistency....
Bjarne Soerensen over 1 year ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 New

Better Options For MS SQL Server Loader (bcp)

This is in the context of replicating data from a mainframe Adabas to a MS SQL Server under Windows. For a huge amount of data in source files Initial State processing can get done with ADARIS and a loader, bcp (Bulk Copy Program) as a MS SQL Serv...
Hermann Pfeiffer over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Target Adapter (ART) 0 Under Review

Improve safety of Restart / Refresh options for ART Administrator

Presently the icon used for Restart of the Target Adapter looks the same as a "Refresh" icon. It is quite easy to accidentally click the icon causing an unwanted restart when the intention was to refresh the tree display. Some alternatives I can t...
Douglas Kelly almost 2 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Target Adapter (ART) 0 New

Supply API's for SYSAOS menus

Supply API's for all SYSAOS reporting functions including queue display's and parameters in order to write own database monitoring programs. Currently all database monitoring is done using either a report or the online functions in SYSAOS with use...
Andre Rudolph over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas Online System (AOS) / Monitoring 3 Not in Plan

Decorators to show if 'source' is running or stopped

The Event Replicator Target Adapter Administration Tool shows a navigation tree comprising all the 'engines', 'sources' and 'targets' defined under the Status branch. To figure out, if those components a re running or stopped, one has to double-cl...
Hermann Pfeiffer over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Target Adapter (ART) / Usability 0 Future consideration

Add Direct Commands to SYSRPTR application

Similar to applications like SYSAOS and SYSDIC, SYSRPTR would benefit greatly if it supported direct commands. For example, GEN GFB NAME=G054151 FILE-ID=EMPLOYEES-FILE ADA-VER=I9 OCCUR=YES FULL-FORMAT=YES [OVERWRITE]. This would allow the creation...
Wayne Campos over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Event Replicator Server (ARF) 0 Future consideration

Need a way to check which ACI zaps are applied

ADAZIN is good for checking which ADA zaps are applied to a load library, and DUMP ZAPS in Natural is good for checking which NAT, NCI and RNM zaps are applied. Many other products display a list of zaps in started task output. I would like some f...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) 0 Planned

SYSAOS: Display General Database Layout - System Files

***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES ***** - Database Report - Code Service ---- ------------------------------------- G General database layout ***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES ***** - Display General DB-Layout - Database Name ............ PRODUCTION...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas Online System (AOS) / Usability 1 Not in Plan


We require an API in SYSAOS to allow us to do mass updates to users to be able to control access to specific Functions within SYSAOS. We would like to use this API to DISABLE certain HIGH IMPACT functions from most users to limit their access to R...
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas Online System (AOS) / Usability 0 Under Review

Switch protection log at ET SYNC of ADASAV on-line SAVE.

Many sites do a FEOFPLjust afteran ADASAVSAVEon-line backup has ended. This makes me wonder if they think they then only need the newprotection log during a recovery.To correct such misunderstandings please allow the specification of a FEOFPL para...
Bjarne Soerensen over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) / Utilities 0 Planned