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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

All ideas

Showing 69

Command interface to LIST XREF in a subprogram

Just like SYSMAIN has a MAINUSER subprogram interface for direct commands, it would be very useful to have the same for LIST XREF. Right now, we are limited to accessing SYSDIC ourselves, using TEST DBLOG to figure out how you guys do it, then cop...
Claes Norreen 5 months ago in Natural for z/OS / Utilities 6 Future consideration

Natural Buffer Pool (SYSBPM): TotalUC#2 new Use count field for depicting Level-1 executions of natural objects

Under Natural Buffer Pool (SYSBPM), we noticed while investigating a performance issue in production that when a Natural Object has multi-level, the TotalUC value for the primary object is a cumulative sum of all the sub-routines being called. Th...
Zaffer Khan 11 months ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural (NAT) 4 Future consideration

Be able open an object quickly, by name

I would like NaturalONE to be able to quickly open an object if the developer just have the name of the object. If you want to open an object in the server view, you need first to find that object. If it is in a large library, you will need to gue...
Guest over 3 years ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 1 Future consideration

Option to hide System Libraries

In Natural Server view of NaturalOne, two nodes are always shown : User Libraries and System Libraries. We need an option to hide the System Libraries. At present even if there are no links to system libraries, the 'System Libraries' node is shown...
Jamal Alwaye 4 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 2 Future consideration

Parameter and Local Variables for Inline Subroutines

Since I´ve been programming Natural (30 Years!) I miss the possibility to give my Natural Programs a good structure by defining exactly the scope of variables used in inline subroutines as it is possible in all established programming languages li...
Georg Kratz-Kummetz over 3 years ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 0 Future consideration

Online reorder of data should not write gigabytes on p-log

Stop or make optional the writing of records moved by online reorder to the protection log. do this to reduce the critical recovery time (restore and regenerate). When you do an online reorder of an Adabas file in a given descriptor sequence the r...
Bjarne Soerensen over 3 years ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) 0 Future consideration

Show which ADABAS-fields are defined as a descriptor in query building tools

The software engineers should have an easy access get the information, which fields are indexes fields. This information could be provided in the field list of a query builder (infonaut, jdbc test application, ...) with an additional column
Martin Walzl 5 months ago in CONNX 1 Future consideration

Stored procedure and triggers (LUW)

the trigger function is not available in Adabas on LUW. We want to execute actions if the content of an adabas field is changed. --- Rerouting to Linux. Was: LUW
Guest over 3 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) / Re-Hosting 0 Future consideration

NaturalOne Map-Editor with former GUI-Elements

We recently switched our development from Natural Studio into a NaturalONE development. We got told, that Dialog-Objects are not developable in NaturalONE, although we now noticed that you also can't add GUI Elements to Map-Objects and already exi...
Pascale Doose 11 months ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Future consideration

Allow for I8 datatype

OpenSystems hardware has it for a long time, z/Series has it for quite a while now, so by now there is no platform NOT natively supporting 64-bit arithmetic. So please introduce an I8 datatype into Natural - on all supported platforms (and NOC as ...
Wolfgang Winter over 3 years ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural (NAT) / Programing Syntax (Cross platforms) 1 Future consideration