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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

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Showing 13

support NaturalHA client with NWO on z/OS

From SoftwareAG:" To run the NHA Client against an NWO Server on the mainframe is not supported currently and was not part of the expected use case." We are currently migrating away from our Mainframe to Linux and we want to use the same client (N...
Chris Williams 5 months ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / High Availability / Natural (NAT) 0 Under development

New System-Variable UUID

Currently, we use *TIMESTMP(X) as a unique reference and foreign key in database-files. To be able to generate unique keys for the database entries, even in the case of distributed Natural-installations (in the future clusters or via entire networ...
Detlef Ziermann over 1 year ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 0 Under development

Copy SYSOUT Files not only to BS2000 Nodes, but to Linux Nodes also

In 'Job maintenance', for Unix and Windows jobs, it is possible to define a handover of SYSOUT files from the execution system to a BS2000 system. This is done by setting a 'SYSOUT node' (together with a 'SYSOUT Cat ID' and a 'SYSOUT User ID') in ...
Hermann Pfeiffer almost 2 years ago in Entire System Management and Cronus / Entire Operation (NOP) 0 Under development

Port NaturalONE as a Visual Studio Code Extension

Create a Visual Studio Code extension to support the development of Natural language. Also integrate all current NaturalONE functionality like NDV support, WebIO execution, etc.
Martin Basso almost 3 years ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 4 Under development

Avoid database corruption by second nucleus start.

If the database resides in remote or mirrored disks - it could happen that a second nucleus comes up on the same database container files and does an autorestart which will corrupt the database. Introduce fail-safe measures to detect and avoid thi...
Bjarne Soerensen about 3 years ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) 3 Under development

To be able to create CDD under linux

The CDD file creationis only possible with"Connx Data Dictionnary" Tool. In our case wecreate a CDD filebyimportingRMS Specification files from VMS Server. It should be nice to have a CDD creationtoolfor Linux, in order to simply launch (in comman...
Stephane Moreau over 3 years ago in CONNX 1 Under development


Hello, We would like to be able to create CDDs in batch mode. Currently, the CONNX DATA DICTIONNARY MANAGER opens the application on the client computer and displays a message to be validated for each error. thanks
Guest over 3 years ago in CONNX 0 Under development

Mecanizing Connx management

____________________________________________ Hi, Actually, to synchronize each dictionnary from production CICS to the acceptance CICS and the development CICS, I must - change using the mouse (GUI) the production z/os machine name to the targer m...
Guest over 3 years ago in CONNX 0 Under development

Having type 3 to be /0 compliant with the ALLOWNULLINCHAR=1

Our needs it to be able to recover data after NULL value when using type 3 "Text Expandable" field and having ALLOWNULLINCHAR enabled. Nowthe data type we are using (Text Expandable), stops at the null terminator (even withALLOWNULLINCHAR=1) Larry...
Stephane Moreau over 3 years ago in CONNX 0 Under development

Customer would like to have Batch access to Import/Export

The Hartford would like a quote for a customer-paid product enhancement to provide command line access support for the Import/Export actions.
Darsh Cook over 3 years ago in JIS & JI 0 Under development