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Due to the recent acquisition by IBM, the Adabas & Natural Ideas Portal does not contain ideas from products ApplinX and EntireX any longer. Please refer to the IBM Ideas Portal for these products from now on (IBMid required). Existing content will be migrated during the next few weeks.

All ideas

Showing 354

Encrypt NSC Password to FIPS 140-3 Compliance

The current standard of encrypting the Natural Security password with Electronic Code Book (ECB) encryption to not comply with IRS standards. Enhance Natural Security so that the NSC password is encrypted to meet FIPS 140-3 compliance.
Gary Athaide over 1 year ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural Security (NSC) 0 Under Review

NOP-Monitor-Status Kommandos (Anhalten, Freigeben) gegen die Tasks 51 und 91 ermöglichen

In NOP 5.5.2 (CF 3) ist es nicht möglich, beim NOP-Monitor-Status Kommandos (Anhalten, Freigeben) gegen die Tasks 51 und 91 abzusetzen. Aufgefallen ist das beim Versuch, eine Loop-Situation in der Task 51 aufzulösen. In NOP 5.4.3 ist die Eingabe d...
Walter Schulte almost 3 years ago in Entire System Management and Cronus / Entire Operation (NOP) 0 Planned

Optimize finding "related" object to be cataloged during deployment

With very large applications the time it takes to analyze an the application to decide which sources have to be cataloged when a set up sources has been modified and uploaded.It seems that the current routine is optimized for "small" sets of sourc...
Jesper Orland over 1 year ago in NaturalONE / NaturalONE (ONE) 0 Future consideration

Modify ADAORD as a file crawler to REORDER a file

Allow ADAORD to work two blocks at a time to slowly crawl through a file. only the records from the first two RABNS would be put on hold and movement of records from #2 to #1 would be coordinated with the nucleus. Once the first block was finished...
Craig Soehnlin over 1 year ago in Adabas for z/OS / Adabas (ADA-zOS) 0 New

Parameter SUBSID in NDV configuration

We had recently iTrac NATMF-28544: "NDV server ABEND U4087 during clean-up at SESSION_TIMEOUT". Analysis of the problem showed that a LX value for NATASM was 0, and further that the subsystem name was "$#@$", because customer had migrated from NAT...
Philippe Van Coppenolle over 1 year ago in Natural for z/OS / Natural Development Server (NDV) 0 Future consideration

New System Variable B9-TIMESTMP

For a simpler conversion from the System Variable *TIMESTMP, which expires in 2042, to a timestamp extended by a leading epoch byte, a new System Variable in the format B9 would be helpful. This should be structured analogously to the already plan...
Detlef Ziermann over 1 year ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud 1 Future consideration

Adabas config files with Json or yaml formats

We are asking that ADABAS.INI and DBnnn.INI will support Json or yaml formats as well. In our site, DevOps expert employees are creating new servers and new databases by themselves. They are not Adabas DBAs. For them, json and yaml are much more s...
Hezi Shirazi over 1 year ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) 0 New

Add ADAFRM parameters to ADABAS.INI

We would like to have ADAFRM parameters in ADABAS.INI. In our site we run automatic procedures for creating new servers. This procedures include build new databases on the new servers. If ADABAS.INI will have defaults for ADAFRM it will save us lo...
Hezi Shirazi over 1 year ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) 0 New

ADAFRM should override DB definitions in ADABAS.INI

If DBID nnn already exists in ADABAS.INI, and ADAFRM is creating the same DBID nnn, ADAFRM should override the parameters defined for this database in ADABAS.INI. For example the database name.
Hezi Shirazi over 1 year ago in Adabas for Linux and Cloud / Adabas (ADA-Linux) 0 New


Hi as we have on error cmd in a module level, it will be very helpful to have same upon a cmd level (such as in java/c$/python & etc: try/catch)
Hezi Shirazi over 1 year ago in Natural for Linux and Cloud / Natural (NAT) 1 Not in Plan